Associate Lecturers
Are you interested in working with Arden as a contract Associate Lecturer. We are always looking for people to join our talent pool and hear about our latest opportunities. Read on for more information
Associate Lecturers are part of the vital teaching our students get every semester. We will require additional support in all of our Schools to help manage our growing student numbers. Our Associate Lecturers are interviewed and then become part of our talent pool, at the beginning of each semester, we will reach out to our talent pool to discuss our requirements. Being part of our talent pool doesn't mean you need to accept all teaching offered, or that you will be offered teaching every semester. You can accept teaching that works around any other commitments, giving you flexibility with how you commit your time.

The subject areas our associate lecturers teach in the UK are
- Foundation Year Studies
- Psychology
- Business
- Accounting and Finance
- Law
- Criminology
- Computing
- Healthcare Management
- Health and Social Care
- Degree Apprenticeships

What does being an Associate Lecturer involve?
Our Associates Lecturers work for us on an ad-hoc basis, committing their time to teach 1 or more modules per semester (normally 10 weeks). At the beginning of a new semester, we speak to our associate lecturer pool to discuss their availability for the next block, and the requirements we have. There is no commitment from either side, if you can't commit to the options we have available, we will be in touch for the following semester to discuss our next requirements.

What are the hours?
We offer blended and distance learning options to our students. If offered blended teaching, then you will be required to deliver in person teaching on one of our campuses two days per week per module. Classes take place in the morning (09:00-13:00), afternoon (13:30-17:30) and evening (17:30-21:30) depending on timetabling requirements. On teaching days you will deliver to students both on site and accessing your class virtually via Zoom. Our distance learning programmes offer students flexibility to study around their commitments and so online teaching for these classes are less structured than our blended learning. As well as teaching, your role will also involve supporting students virtually using our VLE, interacting with students outside of classes and supporting them with any questions or queries that they may have.